Solitude Hotel
Walking performance that visits hotel rooms and guests
Annelinde Bruijs, Suze Milius & O. (NL)
Loners play a leading part in Solitude Hotel. They are orphaned, dazed, and sometimes indulge in self-mockery. The hotel room where they reside has a bed, a desk, art on the wall, and a shower whereas none of these objects has anything to do with the identity of the guests, as these are not in their own home. There appears to be an abyss between the room where they are staying and the person that they are.
The alienation between the hotel guests and the room where they are staying is the point of departure for this musical walking performance. Annelinde Buijs and Suze Milius guide visitors along various hotel rooms, where disoriented figures sing about their experiences.
The libretto is based on interviews with real people staying at real hotels. It is sung and includes guttural sounds, stuttering, Freudian slips and quite a few “ers” and “ahs”. Colloquial language has been a source of inspiration for Bruijs for quite some time. The performance highlights the predicament of people trying to formulate their thoughts while they do not always think in full sentences.
Bruijs used the sounds from a hotel room as the source material for the music. An electric razor or hair dryer rhythmically switches on or off; there is the muted sound of a television in the next room.
Parts of the libretto is sung in Dutch.