
Wednesday 17 May


Practical info

Wed 17 May | 20:00

TR25 Schouwburg - Grote Zaal


The Golden Stool, or the story of Nana Yaa Asantewaa

Afrikaanse geschiedenis in ritmische en dynamische ‘AfrOpera’

Toneelhuis, LOD muziektheater & Gorges Ocoloo (BE)

Who is Nana Yaa Asantewaa? Why was she important? And what is her legacy? Around 1900, she led the resistance against the troops of the British Monarch as an old woman and, together with the women’s brigade she formed, held out for a year in the war for the Golden Stool, the throne and pride of the Asante people in Ghana. The British had been slaughtering the Asante to gain access to timber, gold and cocoa for years. The industrial revolution in faraway England required resources, many resources, like a hungry beast. For Nana Yaa Asantewaa and her women, the British Monarch’s claiming of the Golden Stool was the last straw. The Golden Stool would not leave the country! 

Nobulumko Mngxekeza-Nziramasanga (soprano), Nonkululeko Nkwinti (mezzo-soprano), Doris Bokongo Nkumu, Nathalie Bokongo Nkumu, Abena Biney Gloria, Titilayo Oliha, Saar-Niragire De Groof, Briana Stuart, Maïmouna Badjie and Somalia Williamson sing, act and dance the story of Nana Yaa Asantewaa and her courageous struggle, to the sounds of famous arias from the classical Western opera repertoire – which Gorges Ocloo has appropriated for the occasion. Handel, Bizet, Shostakovich, Verdi, Vivaldi, Beethoven, Orff… they all pass in revue. With this AfrOpera, Gorges Ocloo reveals his roots.

The Golden Stool, or the story of Nana Yaa Asantewaa O.’s opening performance. On this first night you can also sample the performances that will be staged later during the festival, throughout the theatre (and outside). A sneak peek at O.!

 “Gorges Ocloo brings together a magnificent group of singers and performers. His performance is our dream opening.” – Guy Coolen, artistic director O.


concept, regie, libretto, compositie, decor & kostuum: Gorges Ocloo, sopraan: Nobulumko Mngxekeza-Nziramasanga , mezzo-sopraan: Nonkululeko Nkwinti, koor, dans & percussie: Doris Bokongo Nkumu, Nathalie Bokongo Nkumu, Gloria Abena Biney, Titilayo Oliha, Saar-Niragire De Groof, Briana Stuart, Maïmouna Badjie & Somalia Williamson, advies compositie koor & koormeester: Joris Minten, co-libretto & dramaturgie: Josse De Pauw, muzikaal advies: Katherina Lindekens, regie-assistentie: Chiara Monteverde, licht: Pino Etz & Gilles Roosen, geluid: Victor Hidaldo, videotechniek: Wim Piqueur, video-opname: Gorges Ocloo, audio-opname: Isa Tubbax, productieleiding: Eva De Wolf  & Noor De Graaf, productie: LOD muziektheater & Toneelhuis, coproductie: Opera Ballet Vlaanderen & O., met de steun van: enoa & the Creative Europe Programme en de tax shelter maatregel van de Belgische federale overheid, tax shelter partner: Flanders tax shelter, met dank aan: Lukas Vanhoutte, Naomi Lampariello, Peter King, Wilhelmina Donkoh, The Queen Mother of Ejisu, The Women Commission Office of the Koforidua Technical University

O. is coproducent van The Golden Stool

Duration performance

90 minutes


TR25 Schouwburg - Grote Zaal

Standard price

€ 30.00



Wed 17 May | 20:00

TR25 Schouwburg - Grote Zaal


Practical info


Duration performance

90 minutes


TR25 Schouwburg - Grote Zaal

Standard price

€ 30.00

The Golden Stool, or the story of Nana Yaa Asantewaa

Afrikaanse geschiedenis in ritmische en dynamische ‘AfrOpera’

Toneelhuis, LOD muziektheater & Gorges Ocoloo (BE)

Who is Nana Yaa Asantewaa? Why was she important? And what is her legacy? Around 1900, she led the resistance against the troops of the British Monarch as an old woman and, together with the women’s brigade she formed, held out for a year in the war for the Golden Stool, the throne and pride of the Asante people in Ghana. The British had been slaughtering the Asante to gain access to timber, gold and cocoa for years. The industrial revolution in faraway England required resources, many resources, like a hungry beast. For Nana Yaa Asantewaa and her women, the British Monarch’s claiming of the Golden Stool was the last straw. The Golden Stool would not leave the country! 

Nobulumko Mngxekeza-Nziramasanga (soprano), Nonkululeko Nkwinti (mezzo-soprano), Doris Bokongo Nkumu, Nathalie Bokongo Nkumu, Abena Biney Gloria, Titilayo Oliha, Saar-Niragire De Groof, Briana Stuart, Maïmouna Badjie and Somalia Williamson sing, act and dance the story of Nana Yaa Asantewaa and her courageous struggle, to the sounds of famous arias from the classical Western opera repertoire – which Gorges Ocloo has appropriated for the occasion. Handel, Bizet, Shostakovich, Verdi, Vivaldi, Beethoven, Orff… they all pass in revue. With this AfrOpera, Gorges Ocloo reveals his roots.

The Golden Stool, or the story of Nana Yaa Asantewaa O.’s opening performance. On this first night you can also sample the performances that will be staged later during the festival, throughout the theatre (and outside). A sneak peek at O.!

 “Gorges Ocloo brings together a magnificent group of singers and performers. His performance is our dream opening.” – Guy Coolen, artistic director O.


concept, regie, libretto, compositie, decor & kostuum: Gorges Ocloo, sopraan: Nobulumko Mngxekeza-Nziramasanga , mezzo-sopraan: Nonkululeko Nkwinti, koor, dans & percussie: Doris Bokongo Nkumu, Nathalie Bokongo Nkumu, Gloria Abena Biney, Titilayo Oliha, Saar-Niragire De Groof, Briana Stuart, Maïmouna Badjie & Somalia Williamson, advies compositie koor & koormeester: Joris Minten, co-libretto & dramaturgie: Josse De Pauw, muzikaal advies: Katherina Lindekens, regie-assistentie: Chiara Monteverde, licht: Pino Etz & Gilles Roosen, geluid: Victor Hidaldo, videotechniek: Wim Piqueur, video-opname: Gorges Ocloo, audio-opname: Isa Tubbax, productieleiding: Eva De Wolf  & Noor De Graaf, productie: LOD muziektheater & Toneelhuis, coproductie: Opera Ballet Vlaanderen & O., met de steun van: enoa & the Creative Europe Programme en de tax shelter maatregel van de Belgische federale overheid, tax shelter partner: Flanders tax shelter, met dank aan: Lukas Vanhoutte, Naomi Lampariello, Peter King, Wilhelmina Donkoh, The Queen Mother of Ejisu, The Women Commission Office of the Koforidua Technical University

O. is coproducent van The Golden Stool

“Rarely do we see a performance with such a sense of experiment and urgency.”

De Standaard

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