
Friday 27 May


Practical info

Fri 27 May | 19:00

Brutus - zaal


Missa Mater Sola

A dance performance X choir concert as an ode to female power

Timo Tembuyser (BE)

MISSA MATER SOLA (literally: ‘A mass about the lonely mother; a mass about only the mother’) is a deconstructed choral concert about femininity. A dancer squeezes into and out of the sacred cliché and the normative prison of the Woman-as-Mother. A choir consisting of six sons swarms around her and sings itself into and out of a classical singing idiom. Absent the Father, they deconstruct the patriarchal legacy of the liturgy while trying to find their own adult voice.

The performance is the second mass in a Missa triptych. It follows Missa Homo Sacer that featured at O. 2020 and is an ongoing exploration into the tension between individuals and society. The standards and norms of the Christian liturgy act like a mirror for the society that we still inhabit, unfortunately, which is dominated by discrimination against certain groups. Singing harmony becomes a metaphor for living in harmony. Who is allowed to participate and who isn’t? Harmony becomes a hard-won quality, both in a musical and in a political sense.

“Timo surprises once again in this second instalment of his moving trilogy.” – Guy Coolen (artistic director O.)


A mother’s body: Fumiyo Ikeda, A body of sons: Kai Detering, Sonia-Sheridan Jacquelin, Timo Tembuyser, OTION (Guillermo Blinker), Dominic Kraemer, Alberto Martínez, Breaths & beats on flute: Mar Sala Romagosa, Concept & composition: Timo Tembuyser, Choreography: Fumiyo Ikeda, Libretto: Timo Tembuyser, Lyrics: Fumiyo, Kai, Sonia, Timo, OTION, Dominic, Alberto, Mar, Sound design: Jo Thielemans, Dramaturgy: Lena Meyskens, Styling & MUA: Sjaïd Foncé, Technical direction: Pieter Jan Buelens, Light(n)ing advice: Vinny Jones, Outside eye: Davy Pieters, Production: Muziektheater Transparant & Festival Cement in coproduction with Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam

Duration performance

60 minutes


Brutus - zaal

Standard price

€ 17.50



Fri 27 May | 19:00

Brutus - zaal


Practical info


Duration performance

60 minutes


Brutus - zaal

Standard price

€ 17.50

Missa Mater Sola

A dance performance X choir concert as an ode to female power

Timo Tembuyser (BE)

MISSA MATER SOLA (literally: ‘A mass about the lonely mother; a mass about only the mother’) is a deconstructed choral concert about femininity. A dancer squeezes into and out of the sacred cliché and the normative prison of the Woman-as-Mother. A choir consisting of six sons swarms around her and sings itself into and out of a classical singing idiom. Absent the Father, they deconstruct the patriarchal legacy of the liturgy while trying to find their own adult voice.

The performance is the second mass in a Missa triptych. It follows Missa Homo Sacer that featured at O. 2020 and is an ongoing exploration into the tension between individuals and society. The standards and norms of the Christian liturgy act like a mirror for the society that we still inhabit, unfortunately, which is dominated by discrimination against certain groups. Singing harmony becomes a metaphor for living in harmony. Who is allowed to participate and who isn’t? Harmony becomes a hard-won quality, both in a musical and in a political sense.

“Timo surprises once again in this second instalment of his moving trilogy.” – Guy Coolen (artistic director O.)


A mother’s body: Fumiyo Ikeda, A body of sons: Kai Detering, Sonia-Sheridan Jacquelin, Timo Tembuyser, OTION (Guillermo Blinker), Dominic Kraemer, Alberto Martínez, Breaths & beats on flute: Mar Sala Romagosa, Concept & composition: Timo Tembuyser, Choreography: Fumiyo Ikeda, Libretto: Timo Tembuyser, Lyrics: Fumiyo, Kai, Sonia, Timo, OTION, Dominic, Alberto, Mar, Sound design: Jo Thielemans, Dramaturgy: Lena Meyskens, Styling & MUA: Sjaïd Foncé, Technical direction: Pieter Jan Buelens, Light(n)ing advice: Vinny Jones, Outside eye: Davy Pieters, Production: Muziektheater Transparant & Festival Cement in coproduction with Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam

“Wonderful vocals in ode to the mother.”

Marijn Lems, Theaterkrant

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