
Saturday 18 May


Practical info

Sat 18 May | 22:00

TR25 Schouwburg - Haltheater

Mama Always told me not to run in the Dark

Hypnotic loop in a horror remake of Little Red Riding Hood

Viana Afoumou (BE/CM)

Down the dark alley a voice resonates. Followed by whimsical shadows, she sings her mother’s words: “Who’s gonna be there for you, the wolves will be waiting too, I won’t hear your voice in the madness. Dogs turn mad in the darkness.”

Mama Always told me not to run in the Dark is a treadmill-powered musical scene reimagining the Little Red Riding Hood through a haunted run. Step by step the piece unravels, the runner runs, tension grows, and the act climaxes with an outward explosion of her inner state. The performance is unique, yet every night in another street the story repeats.  The piece in itself, is about everyday horror, as motherly advice echoes dreadfully in dark places.

“Rotterdam-based singer, performer, poet and political philosopher Viana Afoumou takes you on a hypnotic loop of vocal lines and live music.” – Hans Blik, business director O.


 Concept/Production: Viana Afoumou, vocals & treadmill-running: Viana Afoumou, bass guitar: Duif Akkerhuis, electric Guitar: Alicia Breton Ferrer, drums: Branko Valchev, sound effects: Loveth Besamoh, vocals: Machteld Teekens, vocals: Tommaso Passaro, vocals: Vanessa Kourtesi, vocals: Tisa World, vocals: Diana Mare.

Duration performance

45 minutes


TR25 Schouwburg - Haltheater

Standard price

Free Entrance



Sat 18 May | 22:00

TR25 Schouwburg - Haltheater

Practical info


Duration performance

45 minutes


TR25 Schouwburg - Haltheater

Standard price

Free Entrance

Mama Always told me not to run in the Dark

Hypnotic loop in a horror remake of Little Red Riding Hood

Viana Afoumou (BE/CM)

Down the dark alley a voice resonates. Followed by whimsical shadows, she sings her mother’s words: “Who’s gonna be there for you, the wolves will be waiting too, I won’t hear your voice in the madness. Dogs turn mad in the darkness.”

Mama Always told me not to run in the Dark is a treadmill-powered musical scene reimagining the Little Red Riding Hood through a haunted run. Step by step the piece unravels, the runner runs, tension grows, and the act climaxes with an outward explosion of her inner state. The performance is unique, yet every night in another street the story repeats.  The piece in itself, is about everyday horror, as motherly advice echoes dreadfully in dark places.

“Rotterdam-based singer, performer, poet and political philosopher Viana Afoumou takes you on a hypnotic loop of vocal lines and live music.” – Hans Blik, business director O.


 Concept/Production: Viana Afoumou, vocals & treadmill-running: Viana Afoumou, bass guitar: Duif Akkerhuis, electric Guitar: Alicia Breton Ferrer, drums: Branko Valchev, sound effects: Loveth Besamoh, vocals: Machteld Teekens, vocals: Tommaso Passaro, vocals: Vanessa Kourtesi, vocals: Tisa World, vocals: Diana Mare.

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O. gebruikt haar stad als podium en decor. Veel voorstellingen zijn op onalledaagse en onontdekte locaties in de stad: pleinen, woonkamers, kerken, een oude wasserij, winkel, bovenop de Bijenkorf en zelfs een fitnesscentrum.