
Sat 18 – Mon 20 May


Practical info

Sat 18 May | 16:30

Kleine Walhalla


Sat 18 May | 19:30

Kleine Walhalla


Sun 19 May | 16:30

Kleine Walhalla


Sun 19 May | 19:30

Kleine Walhalla


Mon 20 May | 14:00

Kleine Walhalla


Mon 20 May | 15:30

Kleine Walhalla


Kaatje Kooij’s Stand-Up Show: De Musical

Stand-up comedyshow meets nightmare-musical

Kaatje Kooij (NL)

Kaatje Kooij’s Stand-Up Show: De Musical is a stand-up comedy show meets “nightmare-musical” in which Kaatje Kooij breaks taboos and overturns sacred cows of motherhood. In a world where you have to abandon all ambitions as soon as a child slips out of your crotch, Kaatje wants to still be on a stage and score. She wants to showcase and celebrate the laughs on her ass.

What begins as a stand-up show full of hilarious outpourings about mediocre mothers and a body in decline ends up as a dark musical in which Kaatje sings all the things she is afraid to say. A performance that embraces the discomfort of a mother who longs for something other than just being a mother and once and for all dispenses with the idea that women are not funny. Get ready for a gooey musical one-woman show where the painful jokes and pumping beats will fly around your ears.

“This title says it all: stand-up, musical and Kaatje Kooij. This will be a hilarious and equally disturbing portrait of both Kaatje Kooij and motherhood.” – Anne van de Wetering, festival dramaturge O.


Concept, text, acting and singing: Kaatje Kooij, direction and writing coaching: Sofie Kramer, composition: Roos Pollmann, dramaturgy: Anne van de Wetering, costume: Sara Schoon, lighting design: Jasper Kayser, graphic design: Jip van Warmerdam, poster image: Lisa Schamle, technology: Jay van Herk.

Duration performance

30 minutes


Kleine Walhalla

Standard price

€ 10.00



Sat 18 May | 16:30

Kleine Walhalla


Sat 18 May | 19:30

Kleine Walhalla


Sun 19 May | 16:30

Kleine Walhalla


Sun 19 May | 19:30

Kleine Walhalla


Mon 20 May | 14:00

Kleine Walhalla


Mon 20 May | 15:30

Kleine Walhalla


Practical info


Duration performance

30 minutes


Kleine Walhalla

Standard price

€ 10.00

Kaatje Kooij’s Stand-Up Show: De Musical

Stand-up comedyshow meets nightmare-musical

Kaatje Kooij (NL)

Kaatje Kooij’s Stand-Up Show: De Musical is a stand-up comedy show meets “nightmare-musical” in which Kaatje Kooij breaks taboos and overturns sacred cows of motherhood. In a world where you have to abandon all ambitions as soon as a child slips out of your crotch, Kaatje wants to still be on a stage and score. She wants to showcase and celebrate the laughs on her ass.

What begins as a stand-up show full of hilarious outpourings about mediocre mothers and a body in decline ends up as a dark musical in which Kaatje sings all the things she is afraid to say. A performance that embraces the discomfort of a mother who longs for something other than just being a mother and once and for all dispenses with the idea that women are not funny. Get ready for a gooey musical one-woman show where the painful jokes and pumping beats will fly around your ears.

“This title says it all: stand-up, musical and Kaatje Kooij. This will be a hilarious and equally disturbing portrait of both Kaatje Kooij and motherhood.” – Anne van de Wetering, festival dramaturge O.


Concept, text, acting and singing: Kaatje Kooij, direction and writing coaching: Sofie Kramer, composition: Roos Pollmann, dramaturgy: Anne van de Wetering, costume: Sara Schoon, lighting design: Jasper Kayser, graphic design: Jip van Warmerdam, poster image: Lisa Schamle, technology: Jay van Herk.

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O. gebruikt haar stad als podium en decor. Veel voorstellingen zijn op onalledaagse en onontdekte locaties in de stad: pleinen, woonkamers, kerken, een oude wasserij, winkel, bovenop de Bijenkorf en zelfs een fitnesscentrum.