First Dates: Filipe Eugusyene X Annelinde Bruijs
Innovative composer X Portuguese bass baritone
Annelinde Bruijs X Filipe Eugusyene
Annelinde Bruijs is a composer, singer and actor. She previously worked with Suze Milius (Solitude Hotel, O. 2023) and Performance collective URLAND (de Gabber Opera), among others. After graduating from Codarts Rotterdam, she focused on vocal music theatre productions that search for meaning in music and theatre/performance. Her compositions are created for a theatrical context in which the music is seen as a co-player with its own dramaturgy. The vocal music is often created from non-poetic language; no rhyme, no meter, but dry language of people thinking. Because of the many changes of measure and changes of key that follow from language and theatricality, her music becomes erratic and unpredictable.
Portuguese artist Filipe Eugusyene is a bass baritone singer, actor, historian, and playwright who particularly enjoys the creative sides within the artist job. He likes to explore ways for meaningful social representations, aiming to captivate new and regular audiences. Gender/LGBTQIA+ community-related themes are the one of his many banners.
About First Dates
With First Dates, O. links singers from different musical worlds and challenges them to perform together for the first time. They meet each other in an inspiring place and will amaze themselves, but also you as a visitor. And who knows, such a first encounter may lead to more… Exciting for musicians and audience in any case!